Micro business tax is a type of tax imposed on micro businesses, which usually have relatively small turnover and assets. This tax is regulated by regional governments, and the provisions
Tag: Jasa Pengisian Laporan SPT Pajak Masa Bulanan Purwokerto
Freight Forwarding Services TaxFreight Forwarding Services Tax
We can see the tax provisions for types of services regarding VAT on freight forwarding services in PMK 75/2010 to PMK 121/2015 which are more complete in regulating them. Not
The definition of tax subject includes individuals, inheritance that has not been divided as a single unit, entities and permanent business forms.The definition of tax subject includes individuals, inheritance that has not been divided as a single unit, entities and permanent business forms.
Individuals as Tax Subjects can reside or be in Indonesia or outside Indonesia. Inheritance that has not been divided as a single unit is a substitute tax subject, replacing those